Head of School Angi Evans '75
Just over five years ago, the dream of building a schoolhouse to replace the ski lodge-inspired building where the majority of Harbor Day School’s alumni learned to read, write, compute, make friends, and be students turned into the reality of creating an intentional campus master plan. Within the next 12 months, we will enjoy the fully realized vision of a best-in-class campus for K-8 education.
Our task seemed enormous in 2017. The path forward required us to live our motto, step by step to the top. Teams of people gave their expertise and effort, led by the Board of Trustees and guided by critical feedback from our faculty. We needed temporary classrooms and a lot of parent good will through construction. We were determined to do this for Harbor Day.
Always Home: The Campaign for Harbor Day has also set us apart. Our earliest donor families have been incredibly generous, led by our ardent Campaign Cabinet. Because of their support, we were able to break ground in June 2020, move into Phase I in December 2021, and plan to complete the project in 2023. It will have been three years of construction for the next 75+ years of students and families.
It is the highlight of my career in education to know that the physical space we dreamed of, the images we rendered, and the opportunities we are seizing collectively are constructing our new school. I find myself overwhelmed with gratitude as I look at the exceptional new home that we are making for everyone at Harbor Day School - that we are building for our faculty and students - together.
Thank you, and Gradatim ad Summum,
Angi Evans ‘75
Campaign Co-Chairs Kerri Sonenshine, Alex Airth, Danny Sonenshine '87, and Alan Airth with Head of School Angi Evans
Alex and Alan Airth, Campaign Co-Chairs
Kerri and Danny ‘87 Sonenshine, Campaign Co-Chairs
Nicki and Mike Cudzil
Jenny Gross
Katy ‘96 and Doug Hanke
Current Board of Trustees President Chris Shepherdson ‘96
Past Board of Trustees Presidents Aaron Bartz and Whitney Gomez
Thank you! It has been a wonderful experience working with you on this project and helping to create a new campus in service to our faculty and students. From the beginning, we have enjoyed the commitment of our fellow Harbor Day families. Your early gifts made an enormous difference and the impact of those gifts will be felt in the daily lives of everyone who steps foot on campus for decades to come.
With Phase I complete, we turn our attention to Phase II with great enthusiasm. We imagine the not-so-distant future of Blue/Gold Track Meets held on an incredible regulation-size turf field and exciting matchups in our new gymnasium. The 8th grade musical will soar on stage in a design-built theater. Food service will be supported by a full-scale cooking kitchen. These are just a few features of the nearly 33,000 square feet of construction and significant exterior square footage that are included in Phase II. Our goal is near, and the final ribbon will be cut in 12 short months.
We have just one last elevation to scale - our summit is $55M - and we are working hard this year to reach that point. With the support from our entire community, we look forward to bringing everyone together to celebrate the completed campus in 2023. Thank you for helping us reach this goal and usher in the next chapter for Harbor Day School
Alex and Alan Airth, Kerri and Danny ‘87 Sonenshine